Catalysing the monitoring and evaluation of Nationally Determined Contributions through North–South cooperation
Année de Publication: 2023
Auteurs: F. H. Abanda , E. L. Chia, K. E. Enongene, K. Fobissie, M. B. Manjia, C. Pettang
The recent 6th Assessment Report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been damning to the world. An overwhelming amount of evidence that Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) can contribute to stabilising or reversing the course of impacts of climate change is now common. Given the likely update of NDC measures compounded by their complexities and limited resources, it is imperative to adopt efective Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) systems to ensure that NDCs achieve their planned objectives.
Efective roll-out and M&E of NDCs require full participation from all actors in various countries. However, despite existing evidence that shows the developing countries are the most afected by climate change, the role of their researchers in climate change research is not known. Therefore, the need to investigate the global North–South disparities and develop an agenda for future research about NDCs is imperative. To address this gap, a systematic review was undertaken using appropriate terms in Web of Science, Dimensions and ScienceDirect to identify relevant literature. The analysis of the identifed literature
led to two main fndings. Firstly, most studies about NDCs are conducted by global North research institutes and researchers with very little involvement of those from the global South. Secondly, there is a global paucity of research about M&E of NDCs measures. As a major recommendation, while countries should equitably contribute to rolling out NDC projects, research should play a key role and should be inclusive as possible representing voices from the global North and South.
Efective roll-out and M&E of NDCs require full participation from all actors in various countries. However, despite existing evidence that shows the developing countries are the most afected by climate change, the role of their researchers in climate change research is not known. Therefore, the need to investigate the global North–South disparities and develop an agenda for future research about NDCs is imperative. To address this gap, a systematic review was undertaken using appropriate terms in Web of Science, Dimensions and ScienceDirect to identify relevant literature. The analysis of the identifed literature
led to two main fndings. Firstly, most studies about NDCs are conducted by global North research institutes and researchers with very little involvement of those from the global South. Secondly, there is a global paucity of research about M&E of NDCs measures. As a major recommendation, while countries should equitably contribute to rolling out NDC projects, research should play a key role and should be inclusive as possible representing voices from the global North and South.