Nouvelle publication de Fokabs sur les stocks de carbone de bamboo
Biodiversité et services écosystémiques de la régulation des stocks de carbone du bambou dans les Hautes Terres de l’Ouest du Cameroun
Chimi DC, Elono AM, Nfornkah BN et al. 2022. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Bamboo Carbon Stocks Regulation in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Journal of Sustainable Forestry.
In the Western Highlands of Cameroon, natural ecosystems have been significantly degraded, fostering other land-use types like bamboo stands. However, knowledge of the potential contribution of bamboo to climate change mitigation within the framework of payment for ecosystem services remains limited. This study sought to identify bamboo richness and estimate carbon stocks of dominant bamboo species in the context of payment for ecosystem services. Data collection combined information from local informants and biomass data of the main bamboo species. Bamboo biomass was collected by destructive method. The results obtained allow the identification of nine bamboo taxa in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. We found for Bambusa vulgaris and Phyllostachys aurea 13,330 ± 7718 and 38,010 ± 3361 culm ha−1, respectively. Total carbon stocks of bamboo estimated at 122.71 tC ha−1 for B. vulgaris and 125.41 tC ha−1 for P. aurea were not significantly different between bamboo species (Kruskal–Wallis test, p = .908). For bamboo areas in the Western Highlands, the monetary value of ecosystem services linked to bamboo carbon stocks is 1503 ± 624 USD ha−1 ranging from 1486 to 1519 USD ha−1 depending on the bamboo species. The monetary value of bamboo carbon stocks potential should help decision makers to consider adopting bamboo species as one of the sustainable strategies to restore degraded ecosystems.