Certificat en Finance Climatique

Financer la transition vers un développement résilient face aux changements climatiques et sobre en carbone reste un défi majeur pour la plupart des pays en développement. Ce cours a pour objectif de fournir aux participants les outils, méthodes et approches permettant d’accéder au financement de l’action pour le climat et d’investir dans des mesures d’atténuation et d’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Il analysera le paysage mondial de la finance verte et présentera les options et les défis en matière de financement de contributions déterminées au niveau national (CDN) des pays en développement et des économies en transition. Aux termes de l’Accord de Paris sur le climat, le financement de la lutte contre le changement climatique devrait augmenter considérablement au cours des prochaines années. La plupart des pays développés restent déterminés à mobiliser 100 milliards de dollars US à partir de 2020 pour aider les pays en développement. Le Fonds Vert pour le Climat (FVC) est l’un des principaux bénéficiaires de cet engagement financier. Le financement devrait également continuer de provenir d’une grande variété de sources. Le cours est conçu pour aider les participants à améliorer leurs connaissances et leurs compétences dans le domaine de la finance verte.

Formation BIM & IA

La demande urgente de logements abordables et durables représente un défi majeur tant dans les pays développés que dans les villes en forte urbanisation des pays en développement.

Cet atelier exploitera la puissance du BIM pour évaluer la « durabilité » et l’abordabilité des bâtiments, offrant une meilleure compréhension de la relation entre ces deux objectifs essentiels. Grâce aux outils et méthodologies du BIM, les participants exploreront des stratégies pratiques pour concilier efficacité économique et durabilité environnementale, ouvrant ainsi la voie à des solutions novatrices pour un habitat à la fois abordable et écologique.

Nos clients


Burkina Faso

  • Integration of Climate Change in the management plans and tools of protected areas
  • Analysed the challenges, opportunities and progress realised in the implementation of REDD+, CDM and AFOLU in Francophone African countries
  • Climate Capacity Building Assessment and Development Program of the BIODEV Project


  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • Integration of Climate Change in the management plans and tools of protected areas


  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Development of GCF Energy Sector Transformation Program in the Caribbean


  • Final Evaluation of Our City 2030 Project
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG)
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries


  • National adaptation plan (NAP) study to assess vulnerability & adaptation & develop 4 GCF project idea notes in fishery, agriculture & forestry sectors
  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries.
  • Elaboration of the INDC with emphasis on the agriculture, forest, REDD+, energy and LULUCF sectors in relation to mitigation and adaptation. Lead author of the chapter on REDD+ in the book "Development of the African landscape in the UNFCCC negotiations"
  • PARTNERS Programme

Guinea Bissau

  • National Forest Financing Strategy Development.

Equatorial Guinea

  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers.


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Development of GCF Energy Sector Transformation Program in the Caribbean


  • Support to NDC implementation
  • African Adaptation Initiative. Fokabs expert lead chapter on policy, institutions and governance related to NDC, NAP, national communication, Biennial update report and GCF
  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG)
  • Develop a logical framework, a risk management plan and conduct a baseline study, a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation and provide monitoring and evaluation services to the project "Citezen Voice for Change: Forest observation in the Congo Basin". Support non-state actors in the monitoring of forest governance, land use change and inform the FLEGT and REDD+ processes
  • Independent Evaluation of the WWF regional project on "promoting a green economy in the Congo Basin: Support to environmental best practices and the implementation palm oil industries and the mining and infrastructural sectors”
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries
  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers


  • Develop national climate change policy for the government of Guinea, involving actors across the country
  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries


  • Enhancement of national forest governance to respond to the Paris Agreement
  • Development of the country programme of The Gambia to engage with the GCF. Strengthened the capacity of the national designated authority (NDA) on questions related to climate change with emphasis on climate finance, mitigation, adaptation and impact of climate change on the economy.


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Strengthening NDA Capacity on Climate Change Adaptation in Haiti.




  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries

Papua New Guinea

  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • GCF concept notes and full proposals for environmental and social safeguards, indigenous people and gender equality


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Final Evaluation of Our City 2030 Project


  • Final Evaluation of Our City 2030 Project

South Africa

  • Identification of investment opportunities for private sector actors in Africa to invest in projects that will facilitate the implementation of the NDCs of African States
  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • GCF concept notes and full proposals for environmental and social safeguards, indigenous people and gender equality
  • Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Network Program


  • Identification of investment opportunities for private sector actors in Africa to invest in projects that will facilitate the implementation of the NDCs of African States
  • Establishment of a financial vehicle with a strategy and governance structure for the Congo Basin climate commission Blue Fund


  • Support to the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) in the UNFCCC


  • Conducted training on the different technical, financial and strategic aspects of REDD+ with project staff and other actors implicated in the conservation of the biodiversity of the Hwange Sanyati (HSBC) project
  • Pre-feasibility study for a REDD+ pilot sub-project wihtin the framework of the HSBC project. Elaborated detailed guidelines for the evaluation of safeguards, forest carbon, leakages and non-carbon benefits (NCB) etc.


  • Conduct final evaluation of the climate Adaptation Programme in Water & Agriculture in Anseba Region


  • Analysed the challenges, opportunities and progress realised in the implementation of REDD+, CDM and AFOLU in Francophone African countries


  • Identification of investment opportunities for private sector actors in Africa to invest in projects that will facilitate the implementation of the NDCs of African States
  • Establishment of a financial vehicle with a strategy and governance structure for the Congo Basin climate commission Blue Fund


  • Integration of adaptation & mitigation into African forestry
  • Enhancement of national forest governance to respond to the Paris Agreement


  • GCF concept notes and full proposals for environmental and social safeguards, indigenous people and gender equality


  • Elaboration of the INDC with emphasis on the agriculture, forest, REDD+, energy and LULUCF sectors in relation to mitigation and adaptation. Lead author of the chapter on REDD+ in the book "Development of the African landscape in the UNFCCC negotiations"


  • Final Evaluation of Our City 2030 Project
  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries




  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Enhancing African national forest governance to respond to the Paris Climate Agreement.


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • Integration of Climate Change in the management plans and tools of protected areas


  • Identification of investment opportunities for private sector actors in Africa to invest in projects that will facilitate the implementation of the NDCs of African States

Côte d'Ivoire

  • Analysed the challenges, opportunities and progress realised in the implementation of REDD+, CDM and AFOLU in Francophone African countries.


  • Elaboration of the INDC with emphasis on the agriculture, forest, REDD+, energy and LULUCF sectors in relation to mitigation and adaptation. Lead author of the chapter on REDD+ in the book "Development of the African landscape in the UNFCCC negotiations"




  • Climate technology needs assessment and action plan
  • Forest Landscape Stakeholder Mapping & Engagement
  • Growth potential of economically important rattan species
  • Promoting Climate Finance for Agriculture through NDCs Processes in ACP countries
  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries.
  • Capacity building of the Designated National Authority (DNA) and development of the Cameroon Country Program for the GCF
  • Study on Rainwater Harvesting System (RWHS) within the framework of WASH in the Far North Region of Cameroon
  • Study concerning REDD+ strategy of Cameroon - capitalisation of the results of the REDD+ component of the National Programme for Participative Development (PNDP)
  • Conduct REDD+ feasibility studies for 4 administrative council areas in the South West Region of Cameroon and prepare project proposals (PDD) for each of the 4 council areas using VCS and CCBA standards
  • Evaluation of the vulnerability of Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) services to the impacts of climate change in the Mayo Tsanaga sub basin and the identification of endogenous resilience measures practiced by the population
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG).
  • Develop a logical framework, a risk management plan and conduct a baseline study, a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation and provide monitoring and evaluation services to the project "Citezen Voice for Change: Forest observation in the Congo Basin". Support non-state actors in the monitoring of forest governance, land use change and inform the FLEGT and REDD+ processes.
  • Independent Evaluation of the WWF regional project on "promoting a green economy in the Congo Basin: Support to environmental best practices and the implementation palm oil industries and the mining and infrastructural sectors”
  • Independent evaluation of the implementation of the VPA-FLEGT Project (EU-CFPR) in the Congo Basin implemented by the University of Wolverhampton, FERN, FPP, CED, FODER, CIEDD, and MEFP
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries
  • Analysed the challenges, opportunities and progress realised in the implementation of REDD+, CDM and AFOLU in Francophone African countries
  • Study on the policies related to the production of food-fuel-fibre in the context of climate change in Central Africa.
  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers
  • Elaboration of the INDC with emphasis on the agriculture, forest, REDD+, energy and LULUCF sectors in relation to mitigation and adaptation. Lead author of the chapter on REDD+ in the book "Development of the African landscape in the UNFCCC negotiations"
  • Evaluated the environmental and social safeguards and the governance of 5 REDD+ projects within the framework of the regional REDD+ (PREREDD) project. Trained decision makers, civil society actors on the integration and evaluation of social and environmental norms in the REDD+ projects
  • Zero Deforestation Cocoa Production
  • Green Commodity Landscape Program (GCLP)
  • Biomass and Small Hydro Solutions for Productive Uses


  • GCF concept notes and full proposals for environmental and social safeguards, indigenous people and gender equality


  • Climate Finance Course
  • Support to the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) in the UNFCCC
  • Evaluation of EU VPA-FLEGT Project
  • Stock taking of Africa’s contribution to the UNFCCC negotiations


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Training on: definition of the role of the private sector in the financing of climate actions; declare private sector involvement and access mechanisms in the Private Sector Assistance Fund; and determine the procedures for accreditation of the private sector to the GCF
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG)
  • Develop a logical framework, a risk management plan and conduct a baseline study, a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation and provide monitoring and evaluation services to the project "Citezen Voice for Change: Forest observation in the Congo Basin". Support non-state actors in the monitoring of forest governance, land use change and inform the FLEGT and REDD+ processes
  • Independent Evaluation of the WWF regional project on "promoting a green economy in the Congo Basin: Support to environmental best practices and the implementation palm oil industries and the mining and infrastructural sectors”
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries
  • Study on the policies related to the production of food-fuel-fibre in the context of climate change in Central Africa
  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers

Central Africa Republic

  • Final evaluation of rural resilience project
  • Development of the country programme of Central Africa Republic (CAR) to engage with the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  • Develop a logical framework, a risk management plan and conduct a baseline study, a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation and provide monitoring and evaluation services to the project "Citezen Voice for Change: Forest observation in the Congo Basin". Support non-state actors in the monitoring of forest governance, land use change and inform the FLEGT and REDD+ processes
  • Independent evaluation of the implementation of the VPA-FLEGT Project (EU-CFPR) in the Congo Basin implemented by the University of Wolverhampton, FERN, FPP, CED, FODER, CIEDD, and MEFP
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries

Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG)
  • Develop a logical framework, a risk management plan and conduct a baseline study, a mid-term evaluation and a final evaluation and provide monitoring and evaluation services to the project "Citezen Voice for Change: Forest observation in the Congo Basin". Support non-state actors in the monitoring of forest governance, land use change and inform the FLEGT and REDD+ processes
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries
  • Analysed the challenges, opportunities and progress realised in the implementation of REDD+, CDM and AFOLU in Francophone African countries
  • Study on the policies related to the production of food-fuel-fibre in the context of climate change in Central Africa
  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers

Costa Rica



  • Climate Action Africa Technical support


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Tropical forestry field methodology training course

South Korea



  • GCF National Adaptation Plan Project (GCF NAP)
  • Terminal Evaluation of the Programme for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods


  • Integration of adaptation & mitigation into African forestry

Sierra Leone

  • Capacity and policy support to high value biocarbon


  • Climate Risk Finance for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Preparation of a REDD+ strategy for the national REDD+ programme for Sudan. The role of the expert from FOKABS is to provide technical support and ensure quality of the national REDD+ strategy.

Dominican Republic

  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Support to the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) in the UNFCCC

United States of America

  • Staying within Sustainable Limits: Private Sector and Cities Program.


  • GCF concept notes and full proposals for environmental and social safeguards, indigenous people and gender equality


  • Tropical forestry field methodology training course


  • Midterm Evaluation : Integrated Resource Efficiency in Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in the Southeast Anatolia Region Project


  • NDC Evaluation Tunisia


  • Tropical forestry field methodology training course


  • Development of simplified greenhouse gas (GHG) estimation tools for the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector of the Togo NDC
  • Prefeasibility study for the elaboration of a Green Climate Fund (GCF) project concept note for agricultural products in Chad
  • Promoting Climate Finance for Agriculture through NDCs Processes in ACP countries
  • Train members of the steering committee, NDA team and other stakeholders on international fiduciary standards, development, submission and financing within the framework of adaptation and mitigation projects
  • Support to the regional REDD+ project (PREREDD). Facilitate consultations and support the preparation of sub regional projects (PREREDD 2 and adaptation). Support the COMIFAC Climate Working Group (CWG).
  • Support the 10 COMIFAC member states to elaborate a post-paris plan of action on climate change. The plan was validated in May 2016 in the course of the ministerial session. Analysed the NDC of 10 Central African countries. Analysed the Paris Agreement and captured the interest of the 10 countries
  • Study on the policies related to the production of food-fuel-fibre in the context of climate change in Central Africa.
  • Support to the 10 COMIFAC member states during the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris. Preparation of technical notes, position papers, synthesis of NDC, forests, REDD+, LULUCF, land for the climate change focal points and ministers.




  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries


  • Mid-term evaluation of the "Reporting for Result-based REDD+ (RRR)" project in collaboration with the firm "Africa China Advisory" in 21 countries