Next sessions

From 22 November to 10 December 2022


Online Course

Target audience

Decision Makers, Technical Experts, Government Employees, Development Practitioners, Private Sector, NGOs & Researchers.

Course summary

Financing the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon development remains a major challenge for most developing countries. The purpose of this course is to provide participants with the tools, methods and approaches to access climate finance and invest in climate mitigation and adaptation actions. It will analyse the global climate finance landscape and present options and challenges for financing the nationally determined contributions (NDC) of different countries.

Course Director

The course will be delivered by Professor Kalame Fobissie, who is an Adjunct Professor at the School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa and the CEO of FOKABS Inc. Professor Fobissie’s experience covers more than 50 countries in the areas of climate finance, climate policy, NAP, NAPA, REDD+, NDC, AFOLU, CDM, NAMA and the UNFCCC negotiations where he represented 10 countries during the drafting of the Paris Climate Accord.

Course coordinator

For enquiries please send e-mail to

Course fee

1 200 USD


English & French

Course content

First week
Module 1: Climate change concepts
  • Climate change Science,
  • Climate change vulnerability and adaptation
  • Climate change mitigation
Module 2: Climate change policies and plans
  • UNFCCC and Paris climate agreement
  • Nationally Determined Contributions NDCs
  • National Adaptation plans
  • National climate strategies, policies and plans
Module 3: Global climate finance landscape
  • Climate finance mechanisms
  • Multilateral
  • Bilateral
Second week
Module 4: Climate change and green investment projects
  • Climate finance instruments
  • Financing cleantech
  • Adaptation projects
  • Mitigation projects
Module 5: Private sector and green investment
  • Challenges
  • Opportunities
  • Initiatives
Module 6: Climate mitigation project development
  • Prefeasibility study
  • Concept note
  • Feasibility study
  • Full project proposal
Third week
Module 7: Climate adaptation project development
  • Prefeasibility study
  • Concept note
  • Feasibility study
  • Full project proposal
Module 8: Mainstreaming gender into climate finance
  • Gender issues in climate finance
  • Gender in NDCs
  • Gender responsive climate finance tools
  • Case Studies (GCF, GEF, World Bank)
Module 9: Safeguards and IP considerations
  • Safeguards consideration in climate finance
  • IP considerations in climate finance
  • Summary and key takeaways