Dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’occupation du sol dans le Moungo, Région du Littoral, Cameroun : influence sur l’expansion des systèmes agroforestiers à base de bananiers décembre 20, 2020 Dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’occupation du sol et du couvert végétal des parcs arborés du Département de la Nya, Sud du Tchad novembre 20, 2020 Assessing the spatial distribution of bamboo species using remote sensing in Cameroon octobre 20, 2020 Culm Allometry and Carbon Storage Capacity of Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. ex J.C.WendL. in the Tropical Evergreen Rain Forest of Cameroon février 19, 2020 Spatial distribution and carbon storage of a native bamboo species in the high Guinea savannah of Cameroon: Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. Rich.) Munro janvier 19, 2020 Stratégie nationale sur le changement climatique octobre 31, 2019 Climate vulnerability and risk assessment Liberia octobre 30, 2019 The role of environmental values and political ideology on public support for renewable energy policy in Ottawa, Canada septembre 19, 2019 Agriculture, forestry and other land uses in Nationally Determined Contributions: the outlook for Africa juillet 19, 2019 Food-fuel-fibre nexus: towards the framing of sustainable biofuel strategies for climate change mitigation in the Congo Basin juillet 19, 2019 The potential of solar photovoltaic systems for residential homes in Lagos city of Nigeria juin 19, 2019 Synergizing climate change mitigation and adaptation in Cameroon: An overview of multi-stakeholder efforts juin 19, 2019 Community forestry frameworks in sub-Saharan Africa and the impact on sustainable development août 19, 2018 OFAC-Brief : Contributions of Central African countries to combat climate change: The urgent need for intersectorial coordination juillet 19, 2018 Feasibility Study of Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Energy in Residential Homes: A Case Study of Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria juin 19, 2018 An Integrated Approach to Capacity Development in Forestry and Climate août 19, 2017 Energy savings and economic benefits of transition towards efficient lighting in residential buildings in Cameroon juillet 19, 2017 Evidence for soil carbon enhancement through deeper ploughing at pasture renovation on a Typic Fragiaqualf juin 19, 2017 Synergies among social safeguards in FLEGT and REDD + in Cameroon février 20, 2017 Feasibility of a residential solar photovoltaic in Cameroon. Journal of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment. décembre 19, 2016 Exploring Opportunities for Promoting Synergies between Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Forest Carbon Initiatives octobre 19, 2016 Evolution of drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in the Congo Basin forests: Exploring possible policy options to address forest loss mai 19, 2016 Potentials of REDD+ in supporting the transition to a Green Economy in the Congo Basin. International Forestry Review 18(1):29-43. mars 19, 2016 The Potential Reduction of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions from Gas Flaring in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas Industry through Alternative Productive Use mars 14, 2016 Analyzing the contribution of Cameroon’s council forests to socio-economic development and climate change mitigation. janvier 19, 2016 Land tenure, asset heterogeneity and deforestation in Southern Burkina Faso. Forest Policy and Economics juin 19, 2015 Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) for REDD+: Insights from Cameroon national FPIC guidelines. Carbon, Climate & Law Review 9(2):156-16 mai 12, 2015 Smallholders’ Tree Planting Activity in the Ziro Province, Southern Burkina Faso: Impacts on Livelihood and Policy Implications février 20, 2015 « Previous 1 2