Country: Sudan
The World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) is supporting Sudan to prepare a National REDD+ Strategy that include strategic options for addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation. Fokabs is playing a key role in this process and provides technical backstopping and quality assurance to the preparation of the National REDD+ strategy.
Specific responsibilities of Fokabs:
- Bring in the regional and international context, experiences and lessons and successful examples of REDD+ that can inform the preparation of Sudan’s national REDD+ strategy
- Ensure that the strategy is in line with the UNFCCC, FCPF and the other multilateral and bilateral guidelines and requirements
- Ensure that the Sudan’s national REDD+ strategy meets the multilateral (e.g GCF) and bilateral funding organizations
- Provide guiding material and technical input that enables national consultants to meet international requirement and facilitate the preparation of the national strategy, e.g. stepwise approach for preparation of the strategy or to conduct feasibility assessment, etc
- Review and provide feedback on technical outputs and reports along the process of the preparation of national strategy, e.g. Selection of strategic options, feasibility assessments of strategic options, policies analysis, etc.
- Support and participate in capacity building, awareness raising and consultation events, as appropriate.
- Assist in the drafting, technical review and finalization of the national REDD+ strategy.
Duration: 02/2018 – Present
Client: World Bank FCPF / REDD+ Sudan