Country: Cameroon
This project is implemented under the leadership of the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA). The objective of this project is to deepen current understanding of the dynamics in agricultural activities that have a significant impact on the sustainability of forest systems in Cameroon, specifically in the areas of the Green Commodity Landscape Programme (GCLP) which are the Grand Mbam and Djoum-Minton regions.
Key results of the project include:
- Identification of key commodities and main production practices which drive deforestation;
- Identification of the governance structures linked to forest management and key commodities;
- Mapping of the government departments and institutions at national level;
- Mapping decentralized government departments at regional and district levels;
- Mapping of private sector stakeholders, farmers groups, traditional and religious authorities;
- Mapping of any other relevant projects and programs;
- Exploration and analysis of the relationship between different stakeholders;
- An outline of stakeholders’ interests, goals and objectives;
- Identification of bottlenecks and gaps for a collaborative process.
Duration: 04/2021 – 06/2021
Client: World Economic Forum (WEF)