Countries: Angola, Burundi, Congo, Cameroon, Gabon, EG, CAR, DRC, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Morocco, STP, South Sudan, Tanzania, Chad, Zambia.
The prefiguration study of the Blue Fund for the Congo Basin Climate Commission aims at:
- Analyze the institutional, technical, legal, fiscal and financial conditions and draw up the recommendations for ensuring the operationalization of the fund in an optimal timetable and operational framework for all stakeholders.
- Growth funding is needed in the eligible areas to determine the budget to be mobilized by F2BC according to the sequences that led to the emergence of member countries.
- Collector, analyzer and restore the expectations, constraints and objectives of all the countries engaged by the Memorandum of Understanding, as well as by the associated institutional, economic, industrial and associative actors.
The study should produce the following elements:
- The Congo Basin country investment plan presenting a pipeline of projects.
- The financial vehicle, including its legal form, subscription model, capitalization and location.
- Political and strategic governance with the structuring of governance and the development of the associated steering and reporting macro-processes
- The Open Bank of the Blue Funds of the Strategic Management, Transparency and Compliance Legal and Tax.
Duration: 04/ 2019 – 07/ 2019
Client: Ernst & Young / UNDP