Bamboo Biomass: A Strategy for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, and Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Cameroon
Année de Publication: 2023
Auteurs: Rene Kaam, Barnabas Neba N., Cedric Djomo C., Arnold Nguefack J., Martin Tchamba & Louis Zapfack
Studies suggest that bamboo is an excellent biological resource with the capacity to sequester and stock carbon while providing direct and indirect services that support human well-being. Cameroon, despite having a huge bamboo potential, has not benefited from these offers with respect to Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and climate combat. This chapter aimed at estimating carbon stocks of Oxytenanthera abyssinica (A. Rich.) Munro in the High Guinea Savannah of Cameroon; compared with carbon stocks of different dominant bamboo species in different forest strata in Cameroon; assessed the place of bamboo for possible use for FLR, and valued bamboo carbon monetarily. Data were destructively collected for carbon assessment. 14 circular plots of 100 m2 were set up. 5% of bamboo of different age classes were harvested for biomass, separated into components, weighed, and subsampled oven-dried for dry mass. The results showed that O. abyssinica means culm density and above-ground carbons were about 10,343 ± 4910 ha−1 and 27.45 ± 17.22 tC.ha−1, respectively. Literature showed that total bamboo carbon in Cameroon ranges from 16.41 to 157.93 tC.ha−1. High carbon was found with Bambusa vulgaris and Phyllostachys aurea. The total bamboo carbon stocks were less than those of forest strata, but similar to those of agroforestry and plantations and greater than that for woody savannah, grasslands, shrublands, and pastures. The total carbon of bamboo in Cameroon was estimated at 82.47 tC.ha−1 and corresponded to a monetary value of 272 $ USD.ha−1. Policymakers can consider this and integrate bamboo into sustainable strategies to restore degraded lands in Cameroon.