Country: Tunisia

The objective of this evaluation was to assess the implementation of the programme “Accelerating the implementation of Tunisia’s NDC 2021-2025”. More specifically, the evaluation aims to gather evidence on the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of current programming. The evaluation will also take into account the criteria of gender, vulnerability and human rights as cross-cutting criteria for assessing the implementation of the programme and its results at the date of this consultation.

Fokabs’ role was to:

  • Evaluate the programme’s intervention strategy to address climate change priorities, including the programme’s relevance and added value.
  • Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the programme in addressing climate change priorities in Tunisia. This includes operational procedures, implementation modalities and structure of interventions, monitoring and evaluation procedures, resource mobilisation and use.
  • Determine the extent to which the programme has mainstreamed gender and strengthened the application of human rights-based approaches in its interventions.
  • Identify the extent to which actions have been based on the analysis of potential negative impacts on vulnerabilities.
  • Provide strategic and operational recommendations to strengthen the programme’s offer of support for climate action. This should take into account the UNDP’s comparative advantage in this area, and its ability to adapt to the changing context of the Paris Agreement and the country’s internal context.

Assessing the contribution of the completion of the programme’s current results to the objectives of the UNDP country programme (2021-2025) and Tunisia’s development plan.

Duration: 10/2023 – 11/2023

Client: UNDP