Whistleblowing and Integrity

At Fokabs, we are committed to maintaining a respectful, inclusive work environment, free from any form of sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, bullying, and discrimination. This commitment extends not only to our employees but also to consultants, interns, partners, and anyone providing goods or services to Fokabs.

What we condemn:

  • Sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, moral harassment, or any form of psychological violence
  • Workplace bullying and intimidation
  • Discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or any other personal characteristic

How to report an incident:

If you are a victim or witness of sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment, bullying, discrimination, in connection with Fokabs, we strongly encourage you to report the incident immediately. We offer several secure and confidential channels for you to raise your concerns:

  1. Direct email: Send a detailed report to our dedicated team at [email protected]
  2. Anonymous form: If you prefer to report anonymously, we have a confidential form that ensures your identity is protected. You can access the form via the following link: Anonymous Reporting Form
  3. Phone contact: You can also reach us directly at +237 674 858 301 for Cameroon or for Canada+1 613 795 4747 to discuss an incident or to receive immediate support.

All complaints will be handled with the utmost discretion, and appropriate actions will be taken to address the issues in a fair and respectful manner. Fokabs is committed to protecting all those working with us from any form of retaliation following a report.

Your well-being and safety are our priority. Don’t hesitate to speak up-together, we can create a safer and more respectful work environment for everyone.