Countries: Cameroon
The objective of this project was to guide the process of developing a national guideline for Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) that can be used during consultations in the different phases of the REDD+ process in Cameroon. Under the coordination of the REDD+ Technical Secretariat and the Government of Cameroon, this guideline will serve as a tool for elaborating and implementing Cameroon’s national REDD+ strategy and emission reduction program as well as other REDD+ projects.
Experts from FOKABS led the national process technically and in terms of overall coordination of more than 40 community-based, research, civil society, private sector, multilateral institutions and government ministries and agencies. Experts from FOKABS played the following specific roles:
- Designed the general steps to be followed in the process and identified and discussed specific roles of different actors in the elaboration of the FPIC document.
- Elaborated, reviewed and produced the draft and final national FPIC guidelines based on input from all key actors and numerous field trips.
- Organised and coordinated technical meetings among the partners involved in the process.
- Led a team to the field, organised community meetings, conducted consultations and led discussions in all the 5 agro-ecological zones of Cameroon with local communities and the Baka, Mbororo, Bagyeli, Bedzang, Bakola indigenous peoples.
- Organised a national workshop to validate the draft FPIC guidelines developed by the parties
- Coordinated inputs and addressed feedback and comments from expert institutions including: CED, FPP, APED, CEFAID, C
Duration: 07/2013– 03/2014
Partners: WWF, CED, GIZ
Client: Government of Cameroon