Country: Botswana, Congo, Mozambique

The objective of this mid-term evaluation was to assess the implementation of the project “The Deployment of EarthRanger, a Data Visualization and Analysis Software to Strengthen Protected Area Management Effectiveness in Africa’s National Parks”.  The scope of work includes the following:

  • Kick off meeting to introduce team, and provide project related documents for evaluations, based on the submitted proposal.
  • Fokabs will conduct a desk review of project documents (i.e. PIF, Project Document, plans related to the Environmental and Social Safeguards [including Accountability and Grievance Mechanism, Gender Mainstreaming, and Stakeholder Engagement], Work plans, Budgets, Project Inception Report, Quarterly Reports, PIRs, documents with project results, Finalized GEF Focal Area Tracking Tools, policies and guidelines used by the Executing Agency, CI-GEF Evaluation Policy, GEF Evaluation Policy, Project Operational Guidelines, Manuals and Systems, etc.), and develop draft Key informant Questionnaire and draft mid-term evaluation inception report to be reviewed by CI-GEF team.
  • Fokabs will host a workshop (in person/virtual) with the Executing Agencies to clarify understanding of the objectives and methods of the Mid-Term Evaluation. The conclusion of the workshop will be summarized in a Mid-Term Evaluation Workshop Report.
  • Fokabs will undertake the evaluation of the project, including any interviews and in- country site visits, based on the Guidelines for the Evaluator/s section II. Fokabs will Present initial findings to the Executing Agency, CI’s General Counsel’s Office (GCO) and CI-GEF Agency at the end of MTE mission.
  • Based on the document review and the in-country interviews/site visits, the evaluator will prepare a draft evaluation report following the outline in Annex 1. The report will be shared with the Executing Agencies and the CI-GEF Agency. Each party can provide a management response, documenting questions or comments on the draft evaluation report.
  • Fokabs will incorporate comments and will prepare the final evaluation report and submit a final evaluation report in word and PDF and will include a separate document highlighting where / how comments were incorporated.

Duration: 06/2024 – 10/2024

Client: Conservation International