Country: Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

The Feasibility Study is being prepared in order to develop an integrated investment programme in the eight (8) Zambezi Riparian States. The proposed investment programme will align with the respective Zambezi Riparian States’ development priorities as well as contribute to the rolling-out of the Strategic Plan for the Zambezi Watercourse (ZSP, 2018 – 2040), through enhancing resilience. The overarching objective of this Investment Programme, PIDACC Zambezi – is to “build strong communities that are resilient to climatic and economic shocks in the Zambezi Watercourse, through promoting inclusive transformative investments, job-creation and ecosystem-based solutions.”

The overall objective of the Feasibility Study is to carry out a technical, and social sustainability, and recommendations on project implementations approach and monitoring. The specific objectives are to:

  • Prepare a feasibility report for each of the Zambezi Riparian States as well as the regional component, including the description, location, quantities and costs of the proposed activities, a provisional timetable for the implementation of these activities, as well as the approach to their implementation.
  • Develop project implementation manual to support the implementation of the project.
  • Develop sub-project financing manual including eligibility selection criteria for sub-projects and beneficiaries.
  • Develop an online gender sensitive monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system based on the M&E system developed at the basin level.

The Feasibility Study will further refine the Programme’s Log-frame and align all actions to the agreed objectives of PIDACC Zambezi.

Duration: 05/2024 – 11/2024

Client: AfDB