Launching of the ECCAS-ICAT regional hub project for climate action transparency in Central Africa
ECCAS – From 24 to 25 March 2022, the workshop to launch the Regional Hub for Climate Action Transparency in the Congo Basin (ReCATH) was held by videoconference. Organised by the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the workshop aimed to officially present the ECCAS-ICAT project to member states.
Specifically, this workshop :
- Presented the ECCAS-ICAT Hub project, including the context of the project, the main components and activities, the expected results, the institutional arrangements, etc;
- Presented ECCAS and its activities in the field of climate change;
- Presented the Centre d’Application et de Prévision Climatologique d’Afrique Centrale (CAPC-AC), including its activities and challenges
- Presented the situation of the Congo Basin countries (gaps, needs, experiences/lessons, etc.) in terms of transparency of climate action;
- Indicated the next steps for action.
At this virtual launch, 11 country focal points and/or their representatives were present along with several national and international organisations/institutions, making a total of 76 participants for the first day.
During this workshop, ECCAS member states shared their experience in the fight against climate change. The technical segment of the workshop was moderated by Fokabs. The participants’ interactions provided relevant information on the level of progress of ECCAS member states in terms of transparency of climate action.
In their interventions, many focal points emphasised the need for capacity building and a learning-by-doing approach as the best way to achieve effective results.