Country: Guinea-Bissau

The overall objective is for FOKABS to provide technical support to Guinea-Bissau in developing a national forest financing strategy that is aligned with its national forest plans / programmes. The strategy will also incorporate measures to address the impacts of COVID-19 for accelerating socioeconomic recovery and inclusive sustainable development in line with the “Guidelines to Address the Impacts of COVID-19 on SFM in Africa” adopted in 2021.

The specific tasks for Fokabs are:

  • In collaboration with the national project development team comprising a national consultant, country representatives, produce a national forest financing strategy and taking into account views of the Government and stakeholder consultation.
  • As part of the preparation of the NFFS, undertake multi-stakeholder consultations especially with other relevant ministries and agencies, the potential accredited entities, implementing agency/entity and other stakeholders, especially NGOs, local authorities, communities. Potential links with key UNFF partners such as FAO, UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank as well as ongoing forest management programmes and projects should be given priority. Such consultations include participating actively in UNFF workshops held as part of this project in both countries.
  • Assist UNFFS in conducting the capacity building and validation workshops for the national forest financing strategy. This includes delivering training presentations on national forest financing strategy development at the capacity building workshop.

Duration: 08/2024 – 12/2024

Client: UNFF