Country: Cameroon
Under this project, Fokabs will :
- Conduct a need assessment. The focus should be on the perception of the different stakeholder sub-groups on what is needed to reach the living income benchmark. Fokabs will build on other studies on household income, benchmark and living income gap. This will include consultation activities with the different stakeholders and producing communities.
- Policy assessment and gap analysis. Analysis of existing policies relevant to or governance of livelihood of rural communities. An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of existing legal provisions in order to improve existing policies or drive the development of new policies.
- Elaboration of a national strategy. Consultation with relevant national and community actors on the content of the strategy. This will be done in collaboration with the Living income working group / task force of the national sustainable cocoa platform. The elaborated strategy will be presented and validated at a national workshop.
Duration: 11/2022 – 05/2023
Client: IDH