Country: Central African Republic
In the context of GCF readiness process, Fokabs will be responsible for preparing Project Concept Notes to be submitted to the GCF. Specifically, Fokabs will carry out the following tasks :
- Undertake a multi-criteria analysis informed by stakeholders to select 2 priority project ideas, meeting GCF funding criteria, and to be developed into concept notes for submission to GCF.
- Identify and engage GCF-accredited and operational entities in CAR to support the submission of the concept note and the development of the project in close consultation with the DNA and GWP.
- Write 2 concept notes in accordance with GCF requirements and format, accompanied by project pre-feasibility studies, including preliminary environmental and social risk assessment and preliminary gender analysis, in close collaboration with the DNA, GWP and selected accredited entities.
- Organise and conduct stakeholder consultations at all stages of the development of concept notes.
Duration: 01/2023 – 10/2023
Client: Global Water Partnership (GWP)