Country: Haiti
Mission objective
The mission aims to develop and submit three high quality bankable concept notes that align with Haiti’s country program with a strong climate rationale to the VCF, and to develop the project preparation facility (PPF).
- Identify 3 project idea notes ;
- Identify an accredited entity to support the development of concept note and full project proposal (FP) to be submitted ;
- Write three (3) concept notes (2 SAP CN and one targeting PPF assistance) meeting the requirements of the GCF aligned to the country program and developed with the support of the NDA ;
- Collaborate with the national consultant specialized in stakeholder engagement and climate change facilitation for the integration of stakeholder inputs ;
- Submit the concept note to the GCF and incorporate GCF comments ;
- Draft a PPF;
- Integrate stakeholder inputs ;
- Submit the PPF to the GCF and incorporate GCF comments until the PPF is approved.
Duration: 04/2023 – 07/2023
Client: Institut de la Francophonie pour le Développement Durable (IFDD)