Country: Malawi
The ACRE project encourages cost-effective, affordable, and integrated energy solutions. The ACRE Project has four main strategies, namely:
- Developing and strengthening clean energy mini grids that promote productive uses of energy for rural economic transformation.
- Accelerating and de-risking the clean energy transition in Malawi.
- Promotion of private sector participation in renewable energy deployment in the health and social sectors.
- Enhancing power sector coordination, building institutional capacity, and conducting research and development.
Under this project, Fokabs will conduct a final evaluation to assess progress towards the project outcome and outputs and provide lessons learnt and recommendations for improving the design and implementation of similar initiatives in future. More specifically, Fokabs will:
- Assess the extent to which project outcomes and outputs have been achieved.
- Determine the impact, both positive and negative, from contributions of the project.
- Assess the relevance of the project strategies to the development needs of the people and global and national development goals.
- Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project in implementing and achieving the specific expected results and analyse any factors contributing to and hindering its progress.
- Assess to what extent were gender equality, human rights and other cross-cutting issues promoted or addressed in project design, implementation, monitoring and reporting.
- Make recommendations that would improve the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of similar projects in future.
- Document lessons learnt to inform future similar projects.
Duration: 01/2023 – 03/2023
Client: UNDP