
The mission of the AAI is to support African countries to plan and implement adaptation actions. The AAI has prepared the first Africa State of Adaptation Report (SoAR) that was presented in the 73rd UN General Assembly in New York and in UNFCCC COP 24 in Poland. The Report consist of 4 Chapters: Climate Information, Adaptation Governance, Adaptation Implementation and Adaptation Investments.

Fokabs led the chapter on adaptation governance, policy, and institutional development in Africa and analysed and presented:

  • Experiences on national adaptation plans (NAPs), nationally determined contribution (NDC), and Green Climate Fund (GCF) country programme,
  • The state of integration of adaptation initiatives within NDCs, identified sub national adaptation plans within NDCs and priority adaptation sectors,
  • Adaptation trends within the UNFCCC reporting through National Communications (NC) and Biennial Update Report (BUR) of African states.

Duration: 05/2018 – 12/ 2018

ClientUNDP Gabon