Country: Cameroon

Fokabs is working with WCF to build a scoping case for the value-added potential of the Cocoa and Forests Initiative (CFI) expansion into Cameroon, building off of the Zero Deforestation Roadmap and weighted against feasibility and risks. The accompanying tasks for achieving this objective are:

Task 1: Conduct baseline assessment including: 1) CFI in other countries 2) existing programs in Cameroon 3) Cameroon political economy analysis 3) policy analysis – to be completed by collaborating/interviewing WCF and The Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)(on leveraging the Zero Deforestation Roadmap) and other relevant stakeholders (i.e.: government representatives and private sector) to understand the landscape of cocoa sustainability in Cameroon.

Task 2: Carry out a policy analysis on modern slavery and child labor, hold 1 virtual training session for WCF staff.

Task 3: Conduct a learning exchange workshop on the CFI lessons of government to government stakeholders in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire.

Task 4: Conduct a gap analysis of programs currently in Cameroon in terms of 1) fulfilling zero deforestation commitments 2) CFI implementation. To be informed by baseline assessment and analyses.

Task 5: Conduct a risk analysis for CFI implementation in Cameroon and establish a mitigation plan.

Task 6: Develop recommendations for establishing a draft CFI Cameroon stakeholder engagement strategy, including CFI signatory core commitments, roles and responsibilities, and a model for signatory accountability. This will involve 1) holding consultation meetings with stakeholders to identify and agree on priority activities and 2) Holding meetings with stakeholders to develop roadmap for endorsement of shared CFI principles and commitments on priority activities.

Task 7: Fulfill periodic donor reports and gather supporting materials.

Task 8: Present final findings and recommendations to WCF.

Duration: 02/2023 – 05/2023

Client: World Cocoa Foundation (WCF)