Country: Liberia

The goal of this project is to build the climate-resilience of Liberian smallholder farmers and facilitate the development of a sustainable crop and livestock-based economy by implementing large-scale climate-smart agricultural practices in different part of Liberia.

To achieve this goal, the project will:

  • Develop a final GCF Funding Proposal that is consistent with all GCF requirements;
  • Develop one additional GCF concept note that is consistent with all GCF requirements;
  • Ensure that the GCF Funding Proposal is in line with UNFCCC and GCF Environmental Social Safeguard standards;
  • Support UNDP Liberia in structuring the theory of change, logical framework and paradigm shift potential of the program;
  • Ensure inclusion of the results of all essential stakeholder consultations within the Liberian NAP project into the design of the funding proposal; and
  • Ensure the use of high quality referenced data to justify adaptation needs and quantify and qualify impacts of intended adaptation actions.

The project will directly and indirectly benefit an estimated 45,200 men and women who will implement or be engaged in climate-smart agriculture practices.


Duration: 09/2019 – 12 / 2019

Client: UNDP Liberia