Country: Congo
The objective of the PSGOF-SNOIE project is to strengthen the contribution of civil society organisations (CSOs), indigenous peoples (IPs) and local communities in improving forest governance, sustainable, inclusive, and more transparent management of forests in the Republic of Congo. The specific objective of the project is to effectively structure the IFM system, both mandated and non-mandated IFM, local CSOs and strengthen national policies and contribute to responses of effective bodies responsible for the implementation of law and policies in Congo.
To deliver on the goals of this evaluation, Fokabs will use the standard Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) evaluation criteria (relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, capacity and sustainability, and cross-cutting issues of gender); draw out complementarities / synergies of the programme with other relevant project/programmes as well as lessons learned, recommendations and best practices.
Fokabs used a mixed-methods approach to reach the project target groups namely:
- CSO members involved in the SNOIE-Congo project;
- CSO members of the PGDF;
- Local communities and indigenous peoples;
- Mandated IFM;
- Leaders of other CSO networks;
- Local communities and IP populations living near forest exploitation areas targeted by the project;
- Media – radio, television and written press;
- Higher education and research institutions specialized in forestry.
Duration: 02/2024 – 04/2024
Client: CIDT UoW