Country: Cameroon

The goal of this project is to conduct feasibility studies and develop a GCF funding proposal on “Securing Permanent Forests to Combat Climate Change and Enhance Sustainable National and Local Economies in Cameroon”. More specifically, Fokabs will:


  1. Conduct feasibility studies that include:
  • ROAM Assessment
  • GHG evaluation, assessment of the project impact on carbon
  • Vulnerability assessment report
  • Theory of Change and log-frame
  • Report of the situation analysis of degradation and forest cover loss
  • Baseline assessment of policies and on-going initiatives on forest sector and REDD+
  • Climate analysis and project’s climate rationale
  • Detailed economic and financial analysis
  • Stakeholder analysis, consultation, and engagement during project preparation


  1. Conduct environmental and social studies that include:
  • Environmental and social impact assessment
  • Environment and social management plan and other safeguard tools
  • Screening to address impacts from access restrictions and Indigenous Peoples
  • Plan, IP Planning Framework, Environmental and Social Management Framework etc.
  • Gender analysis and Gender Action Plan


  1. Carry out:
  • Risk assessment including mitigation instruments,
  • Site specific hazard assessment and mitigation measures,
  • Development of sensitivities and case scenarios as part of the financial analysis,
  • Identification of executing entity(ies) and related risk analysis


  1. Design a full project document as per GCF templates, including:
  • Detailed budget
  • Procurement plan
  • Work plan
  • M&E plan
  • Finalized theory of change and logical framework
  • Knowledge and communication plan
  • Institutional arrangements
  • Inception and validation workshop as per the project’s stakeholder engagement plan


  1. Engage with local and national stakeholders including NDA, MINFOF, MINEPDED and REDD+ Unit to strengthen and use the institutional framework being put in place by the National REDD+ Secretariat to implement Cameroon’s Government climate objectives.
  • Mobilize the project team to prepare and implement the Project Preparation Facility (PPF).
  • Facilitate discussions and exchanges among stakeholders.
  • Gather and review relevant documentation from stakeholders.

Duration: 10/2021 – 07/2022

Client: IUCN