NDC implementation in Egypt through green investments by private sector – A Scoping Study
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Kalame Fobissie and Hany Shalaby
Egypt is committed to implement its NDC adaptation and mitigation actions under the Paris Climate Agreement. For this to be successful, the Government of Egypt needs external support to provide necessary means of implementation including: climate financing , estimated at the range of $73.04 billion, capacity building and technology development and transfer.
The Government recognizes the critical role of the private sector and is expecting it to contribute significantly to the NDC implementation process through green investments.
This study is conducted as part of technical assistance to strengthen the private sector to take advantage of the abundant opportunities for green investments in Egypt.
The specific objectives of this scoping study are to assess private sector
challenges and opportunities as well as the needed support in accessing green financing for NDC implementation in Egypt. This study focuses on seven (7) key sectors that include: climate – smart agribusiness, sustainable transport, green buildings and smart cities, renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE), waste management, water and irrigation and the financial sectors.
Private sector and climate finance landscape for NDC implementation
Our analysis shows that the Egyptian private sector is already involved in a number of NDC – aligned projects financed by dedicated climate change funds such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) as well as other multilateral financial institutions such as the International Finance Corporation
(IFC), African Development Bank (AfDB) and the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The table below presents some of the examples of NDC – aligned projects that could be replicated at scale and as best practices.