Countries: Burundi, Cameroon, DR Congo, Congo, Gabon, Central African Republic,  Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea, Soa Tome and Principe, Chad

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) consensually adopted the Paris Climate Agreement.  While Central Africa as a regional bloc successfully negotiated and integrated most of their positions especially on forest and REDD+ into the Agreement, many challenges remain in terms of implementation. The ten COMIFAC member states (Burundi, Cameroon, DRC, Rep of Congo, Gabon, Central Africa Rep, Rwanda, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Soa Tome and Principe) are therefore keen to improving their understanding, capacity and policy planning at the national and regional levels.
FOKABS was contracted to provide the necessary technical assistance to the ten member states on Post-Paris Climate Agreement and the submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC).  Specifically these tasks were to:

  • Decipher the results of UNFCCC COP-21 by highlighting the key results of interest to COMIFAC countries, lessons learned and the implementation options.
  • Identify the commitments and actions recommended within the forestry sector by the countries of the Congo Basin in their INDC and propose mechanisms to integrate these commitments into national and sectoral development strategies.
  • Translate IDNC commitments and action into bankable programs and projects for implementation in each COMIFAC country.
  • Assess financing needs and potential sources of funding: national budgets, Green Climate Fund (GCF), CAFI, etc.
  • Develop a draft Post Paris – INDC action plan at the national and regional levels.
  • Prepare and give technical presentations in COMIFAC experts’ meetings, capacity building workshop on climate finance and COMIFAC Ministerial sessions.

Duration: 04/2016 – 10/2016