Country: 11 – Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, CAR, Chad, Congo, DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon,

ReCATH support project in Central African States was established in July 2021 as the first regional hub for the United Nations’ Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT). Hosted by the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in collaboration with ICAT, the Hub aims to create a regional network, build a centre of excellence and support member countries in their efforts to improve transparency in climate action by building robust Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) frameworks.


The primary role of FOKABS is to provide technical support and advice to the coordinator of the Hub and other Hub personnel. A training programme and technical support programme for the hub have already been developed and it is the role of FOKABS to manage its implementation.

The specific objectives are:

  • To strengthen skills and awareness among the respective government agencies staff of the ECCAS countries related to transparency work in order to build and further develop the frameworks and apply a set of tools and methodologies needed to undertake effective assessment of the GHG impacts of climate change policies and actions, along with their sustainable development outcomes and transformational change potential;
  • To provide technical support to ECCAS countries to develop / enhance domestic MRV / transparency systems, track NDC implementation and further develop NDCs, and assess the impact of other national climate change policies and actions. This shall build upon and complement previous and on-going efforts in country capacity-building activities related to the enhancement of institutional arrangements and the collection of information for GHG accounting/inventories or the assessment of policies and actions;
  • Based on country demand, provide research and analysis and support to the countries in the application of ICAT methodologies, guides, modelling frameworks, data systems, metrics and other tools under the ICAT toolbox.
  • Based on country demand, provide technical support to use transparency to mobilize finance from public and private sources, identifying linkages with existing and emerging funding mechanisms and facilitating the establishment of public-private partnerships with the aim of ensuring more effective and transformational policy design and result in greater sustainable development benefits.
  • Contribute to a growing community of practice around climate action transparency and foster learnings from the engagement with countries and regions to advance ICAT’s capability to support countries in their transparency efforts and support transformational change in line with global climate objectives.

Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe

Duration: 07/2024 – 03/2026

Client: UNOPS – ICAT