Country: Burkina Faso
The development of the SESA aims to ensure that environmental and social issues are taken into account in the design and implementation of the REDD + process in Burkina Faso, leading to sustainable REDD + policies and in favor of vulnerable communities. The EESS will be complemented by an Environmental and Social Management Framework (CGES) which will guide the inclusion of environmental and social safeguard measures in potential REDD + investments in accordance with national and international safeguard policies, by an SIS which will inform on the consideration of safeguards in REDD + actions, a benefit-sharing mechanism that will ensure the fairness of the process and a complaints and appeals management mechanism to strengthen this fairness of REDD +. The specific objectives will be:
- Carrying out the strategic environmental and social assessment (including a CGES and an SIS);
- Proposal of guidelines for the development of the future benefit-sharing mechanism (including the proposal for a management approach for potential REDD + funds) and the proposal for a conflict management mechanism for the REDD + process.
Duration: 06/2020 – 08/2021
Client: World Bank