Country: Chad

The main objective of this project is to enable the NDA and national stakeholders to have a good knowledge of climate finance and the development of bankable projects. The training should enable these actors to have all the necessary elements to carry out adaptation and mitigation projects and / or programs while taking into account the requirements of the GCF.

FOKABS is responsible for training the members of the DNA steering committee, the DNA team and other stakeholders on international fiduciary standards, design, submission and funding for adaptation and mitigation projects . FOKABS will carry out the following tasks:

–       Facilitate: meeting to set up the steering committee; Steering Committee meetings; Inter-ministerial sessions on GCF investment framework and information and awareness on the GCF.

–      Conduct and facilitate training sessions on climate finance, development of bankable projects, including preparation of budget and business plan in the context of the GCF.

–       Map out relevant climate financing mechanisms and institutions at national level.

–       Facilitate multi-stakeholder consultation process and training of the proposal evaluation system and the issuance of recommendations (non-objections) for projects to be submitted to the FGC.

–       Develop a database of projects / programs for monitoring and communication.

–       Verify the conformity of the English translation of the documents produced in the course of the project activities.

–       Contribute to the documentation of lessons learned in the implementation of the activities.